Recently dunno y...
keep playing quiz quiz quiz om Facebook...
quite fun...
1st Quiz..
Lua took the quiz "What Musical Instrument are you?"
and the result is Flute.
2nd Quiz..
Lua took How Chinese are you? quiz
and the result is You're technically Chinese.
All you need to do is fullfill your innerself with a trip to China with a Chinese-speaking and reading hottie!
3rd Quiz..
Lua took the 你...真的快樂嗎? quiz
and the result is 樂觀指數30% - 超級悲觀的人.
4th Quiz..
Lua took the 你是否一個好情人? quiz
and the result is 你是一個 100分情人!
你對情人細心體貼, 照顧周到, 而且非常專一, 讓人覺得跟你在一起很幸福~~~你是個理想情人呀!!!!
5th Quiz..
Lua took the 你是童話故事那一個角色? quiz
and the result is 白雪公主.
6th Quiz..
Lua took the 你是蠟筆小新中那個角色 quiz
and the result is 櫻田妮妮.
7th Quiz..(Paling TEPAT punya.. )
Lua took the 你需要一個怎樣的情人 quiz
and the result is 常常和你/妳鬥嘴,但卻會處處着緊你的人.
8th Quiz..
Lua took the Are You A Good BF/GF ? quiz
and the result is Excellent.
You're a really loving, and caring person towards your BF/GF. You really do care for them, and you love them unconditionally. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Because you'll always treat them with love, and care. ;D
9th Quiz..
Lua took the "How mature are you" quiz
and the result is 99%.
your very mature
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